10:21:46 From Lori Hunsaker to Everyone: https://legislature.idaho.gov/statutesrules/idstat/Title39/T39CH35/ 10:22:56 From Dana Fitzgibbons to Everyone: Rules implement statutes 10:23:08 From Terrie Beckman to Everyone: statues are law 10:49:18 From Dorrie Reyes to Everyone: Lori, do you know when we will get a new manual? 10:49:48 From Lori Hunsaker to Everyone: It is currently in process. I don't have an exact date for when it will be ready, but it should be within the next month or two. 10:56:58 From Lori Hunsaker to Everyone: https://healthandwelfare.idaho.gov/providers/certified-family-homes/more-provider-resources 10:55:04 From Dorrie Reyes to Everyone: Nora, what is the code for the background check? 10:55:47 From Nora Gonzalez to Everyone: Z6NGS 10:57:53 From Tammie Waters to Everyone: what is your FB page name 11:17:14 From Lori Hunsaker to Everyone: The CFH Facebook page is called: Idaho Certified Family Homes 11:01:12 From Edmund Rodriguez to Everyone: Residents living in homes where well water is the source of drinking water are still required to do an annual examination of the drinking water by IDHW?? 11:01:30 From Cheryl Paulin to Everyone: Do we still have to do yearly water tests and 5 year septic cleaning? 11:05:29 From Lori Hunsaker to Everyone: Yes. If the CFH uses a well as their source of drinking water then it should be tested for bacteria at least every 12 months. 11:05:43 From Lori Hunsaker to Everyone: Septic tanks should be inspected at least every 5 years. 11:49:28 From Yvette Primero to Everyone: Yvette Saiz Primero Molina Healthcare of Idaho Sr. Community Engagement Specialist: 208-724-1469 Yvette.Primero@MolinaHealthcare.com Please reach out to us for assistance, questions, concerns or general caregiver needs